
How The Body Processes CBD

CBD has entered many industries from food to beauty to health and wellness. Its claims of healing have driven it to become a staple in many medicine cabinets, pantries and makeup bags. In order to receive the full potential of the compound, it’s important to separate the terminologies, applications and legality between it and other ingredients. With its widespread popularity and increased interest, there are bound to be some misconceptions about what it is and what it entails. Many companies use it as a marketing and advertising tool but read on to learn more about the truth regarding CBD.

Misconceptions Regarding CBD

Before trying CBD, especially if it’s your first time, know that there are probably several myths surrounding it. Sometimes it’s associated with weed and other drugs, but experts suggest it has better qualities than you may think. Here are some of those myths, debunked.

Myth 1: CBD is an illegal substance.

In 2018, The Agriculture Improvement Act was signed, which changed the official definition of marijuana to exclude “hemp.” Though specifics may vary between states, hemp, which includes hemp plants and cannabidiol that is at or below .3% delta-9 THC threshold, is legal. 

Myth 2: It can make you fail a drug test.

Contrary to other active ingredients in marijuana, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound. It does not provide a high or buzz. Because there is no THC in isolated CBD, it does not cause a failed drug test. 

Myth 3: The only way to consume CBD is by smoking it.

Nowadays, CBD has been incorporated into a variety of products. It can be converted into oils, creams, pills, lotions, topicals, vapes and other forms in order to expand its applications and functions. Other infused products include lip balms, eye serums, teas, honey and even waters.

Myth 4: It’s only used for sicknesses.

As previously mentioned, CBD is not usually given as a prescription. Its wide applications can be used for different conditions and reasons. Many people use it for physical ailments, though studies show that CBD has beneficial effects on one’s mind as well.

Myth 5: CBD takes a long time to work or doesn’t work at all.

The experience of using CBD depends on the person and his or her body’s reaction to the compound. Some may report that it takes a few days to notice a difference, while others may say an hour is enough. The effects of CBD vary on the application and strength of the substance.

Myth 6: It’s addictive.

Unlike marijuana, CBD does not hold substantial evidence of addiction. Some studies even suggest that the compound could assist with addiction reduction. It does not release dopamine, but instead blocks those receptors, especially around the presence of THC. 

Myth 7: All CBD products are harmless.

Though many products on the shelf include the words “natural” and “organic” on the label, many are not entirely. Many ingredients are allowed on the regulated market because they’re not required to be tested. CBD is not FDA regulated so some companies get away with unreliable products. People should look for a COA, or certificate of analysis, on the label.

Myth 8: It replaces chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Unfortunately, CBD does not cure cancer. Some people just take it to ease the effects of chemotherapy and radiation. It may relieve the symptoms of the disease, such as restlessness, mood swings and appetite loss, but there isn’t sufficient research to suggest it reduces tumor density or wards off the disease altogether. 

Myth 9: All CBD is created equal.

There are three types: full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolate. Each depends on the number of cannabinoids included in the formula, as some types may include other active ingredients. For example, full spectrum contains the full range of hemp plant compounds while broad spectrum includes a majority of compounds except THC. Isolate is the simplest form of CBD and refers to the extraction of all-natural hemp plant compounds.

Myth 10: You must be 18 to buy CBD.

There isn’t an age restriction on the sale of CBD the way there is on tobacco or alcohol. Additionally, because many health and wellness companies make CBD-infused products so widely accessible, it’s deemed easy and safe for most youngsters to acquire it. 

The Truth About CBD

Because of the popularity of the compound and the way it’s been integrated into various industries, it’s important to conduct research on the way CBD reacts with the body. Learn more about how the body processes CBD and the potential benefits of the compound with our resource. 

How The Body Processes CBD

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