
5 Reasons Why Resistance Training Is King!

Training Is King

Resistance training is king! No ifs, ands, or buts. It will give you the most bang for your buck and have the most impactful results in your everyday life. When I say resistance training, I’m referring to anything that builds muscle and strength.

Cardio, mobility, speed, and combat training have their uses, but getting bigger, leaner, and stronger through weight lifting or callisthenics will always and forever benefit you the most, especially in the modern day.

No activity can compete with the benefits of consistent, habitual weight lifting. There are numerous mental, physical, and physiological benefits that can absolutely change your life!

It’s the best, and if you don’t lift, I highly suggest you start, as there are no drawbacks. If you don’t believe me, stay tuned as I explain.

Why Is Resistance Training So Great?

Resistance training is so great, mainly due to the fact that for just the small price of a little bit of your time and energy, you will be receiving an absolutely massive ROI. I’m talking

  • Muscle and strength gains
  • Improved Confidence
  • Better Mental and Physical Health
  • More Energy
  • Better Brain Function
  • And Much, Much More!

It will literally improve every aspect of your life. Money, dating, looks, confidence, and friendships are all things that will be affected and benefit from a consistent resistance training schedule.

I hope these 5 reasons will inspire you to stick with or start your own weightlifting journey. With that, let’s get into the list.

Reason #1: A Better Body (Improved Appearance)

Let’s get the obvious one out of the way first. The majority of people don’t get into lifting weights to improve their health, get strong, or challenge themselves. They start because they want to have an aesthetic, muscular physique.

I mean, hell, that’s why I started. I have no shame in admitting that, and well after a couple of years, I have achieved a reasonably good-looking, aesthetic, muscular physique. I have lots of room for improvement and growth, but to the average layman, I am considered muscular and athletic looking.

Benefits of A Better Body

Having a better-looking body has totally changed my life. I get much more attention from women; I constantly have guys complimenting me on my physique, and I just have much better social interactions in general.

I feel much more confident, safe and secure every time I go out, and just love the feeling of taking my shirt off and being wowed every time I look in the mirror. Clothes fit much better, especially pants and shorts(only if you train legs).

My words don’t do this first benefit justice, as the feeling of a body transformation is something you can only truly experience on your own.

Reason #2: Improved Confidence

This second benefit almost goes hand in hand with the first one, although it is not nearly as talked about.

Resistance training and specifically weight training over a long enough time will skyrocket your confidence and self-image.

Weight lifting, although a straightforward activity, is still pretty hard, especially in the beginning.

It takes a certain level of discipline, determination, and grit to stick it out long enough to start making real, long-term gains. Once you get past the 6-month mark, if you’ve been doing things somewhat correctly and have about half-decent genetics, you’ll probably have gained around 5-15 lbs of muscle; this will go to your head but in a good way.

It’s not an overnight change, but you’ll notice that every week your balls begin to hang just a little bit lower, you stick your chest out a bit more while you walk, and your voice becomes slightly louder yet more soothing.

These are subconscious changes you probably won’t realize you’re doing until a friend or family member points them out, or it just hits you one day that you’re a lot more confident. I mean, little things like nervousness and anxiety kind’ve become a non-factor if you habitually deadlift small cars for fun.

Reason #3: Builds Character And Discipline

This next reason is one of my favourites. Weight lifting is HARD! It’s hard in the beginning, it’s hard once you get good, and it’s hard once you’ve mastered it.

It never gets easier, as the weights only get heavier, and the workouts only get longer. But if you stick at it and grind it out, you will only get stronger. If you’re one of those guys who just half-asses every workout and exclusively only uses machines, this benefit won’t apply to you.

However, if you’re a real lifter, someone who does heavy compound lifts with free weights and who also trains legs, there is no doubt in my mind that you will build some mental toughness. Squatting, deadlifting, barbell rows and heavy overhead presses will definitely put some hair on your balls; I can tell you that.

Everything outside of the gym will seem a lot easier—work, school, hell, even sports. I can’t name many things that can compare to a heavy set of deadlifts or squats. I’m legitimately terrified before I start my top set for those exercises, as I know it will be a brutal experience.

However, having that fear and still completing the set, especially when you PR, is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Deadlifts, especially as you can move tons of weight on that movement.

Reason #4: You’ll Build Unreal Strength

Weight lifting, especially powerlifting, will turn you into a beast. Have you ever wanted to deadlift 500 lbs, what about bench 300 lbs, or squat 400? Well, all you have to do is eat and lift weights.

Well, it’s a bit more nuanced than that, but essentially those are the 2 most important steps when trying to gain strength. If you consistently eat and lift, with proper programming, you can get freakishly strong.

You’ll feel very secure and safe while out. If you do happen to get into an altercation, you’ll have a considerable advantage over most people, and to be honest, you can never have enough strength.

It will make everyday tasks much easier, you’ll be extremely durable, and into your later years, when all of your non-lifting pears are having trouble getting off of a chair and wiping their ass, you’ll still be putting up 135-225lbs on the squat. Strength is a great thing to have, regardless of what your lifting goals may be.

Reason #5: It’s Fun!

My last reason is resistance training; once you pass the 3-week adjustment period, is really, and I mean really, fun. Why do you think gym culture is so popular? Well, let me paint you a picture. It’s Tuesday afternoon, and you’re a senior in high school.

You’re sitting in law class, talking with the boys about the sick bench PR you’re going to go for. You take the bus home, have some food, take some pre, and put on your most fly gym fit. You catch the bus to your local college gym, and when you arrive, it’s packed.

Baddies everywhere; you finish your warm-up, start your first set and crush it. You take off your pump tarp and are looking absolutely massive, chicks eyeing you up and guys coming up to you asking for your workout. Yeah, dude being a gym rat is awesome.

This was my personal experience with the gym in high school.

The gym is fun once you get good at it. You have to build a bit of muscle and a bit of confidence before it becomes fun, but once you do, it’s the best.

It’s like going to the club, except it’s good for you, and you become a better-looking, stronger human every time you go. If this doesn’t sound like a good time to you, man, I don’t know; you must be a serial killer or something.

I mean, yeah, you’re still busting your ass, doing really, really hard things, but when you’re surrounded by a bunch of hot chicks, it makes the hard work a lot easier.


Alright, hopefully, I’ve convinced you to get your ass off of the coach and buy yourself a gym membership. If you’re somehow still on the fence about beginning a resistance training journey, just do it; you won’t regret it.

It’s literally the best thing in the world. If you’re a fellow gym bro reading this, comment your favourite resistance training benefits, and let us know some of your favourite experiences while training.

With that, I’m out, peace guys.

Author Bio

Hi, my name is Jayden Pollard; I run the health and fitness blog SHREDDIT. I have a background in strength training and athletics as a former athlete and current PowerBuilder. I am extremely passionate about health and fitness and look to turn this passion into a career.

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