
The legality of Hemp and CBD

hemp and CBD

If you still have doubts about the legality of hemp and CBD, here is the right place. In this article, we will explain the differences between hemp and marijuana then the differences between CBD and THC. After that, we will add details about the legality and give some tips you should follow before purchasing CBD. But before diving into details let us give a brief explanation for CBD.

CBD is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids present on cannabis plants, including THC among others. The full name of this cannabinoid is cannabidiol and together with THC are the most active ingredients of cannabis plants. CBD market is a fast-growing and rich market with a great future ahead, with experts believing it to be a multi-billion dollar industry in the next 5 years. CBD is mostly famous for its therapeutic properties and health benefits that can help humans and animals. Our focus is not explaining the possible health disorders CBD Flower helps fight and manage. What we want to make clear in this article has to do with legality and the differences between legal and illegal cannabis extracts.

What are the differences between hemp and marijuana and the differences between CBD and THC?

So, cannabis has 3 groups or families of plants. Those are Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis, but we are mostly going to talk about Sativa. We have to do that because Cannabis Sativa has two strains in the name of hemp and marijuana. These two varieties of Sativa differ from each other in the percentage of cannabinoids part of them, in the concentration of CBD and THC. Marijuana can contain around 30% THC and only about 10% CBD, while hemp, on the other hand, may produce more than 25% CBD and less than 0.3% THC. This is really important or the decisive factor that decides the legality of these strains.

From here we can move to what federal laws say about the legality of these plants. By federal law hemp that contains less than 0.3% THC is legal to cultivate, grow, or sell. This kind of regulation is the same in most USA countries, but this rule changes in other parts of the world. By knowing this, we can understand why marijuana is illegal and why hemp or industrial hemp is legal. But why do the CBD and THC concentrations decide the legality? That moves us to explain the differences between these two cannabinoids.

So, THC and CBD both have therapeutic properties that may help humans and animals. But, THC is psychoactive, meaning that it causes addiction in users, acts negatively in our brain and causes the “high” feeling. By this, we come to the conclusion that THC may help in some ways, but can also cause damage in others causing side effects such as addiction. On the other hand, CBD can only give positive effects without the danger of side effects. That is the reason federal law considers that more than 0.3% THC can be dangerous for use.

Are hemp and CBD legal?

Above we explained the differences between cannabis extracts so you understand the full picture. From what we wrote above you can have a clearer and more educated idea that will help you make a decision. When asking if hemp or CBD is legal, the best answer is mostly yes, but you should check about the country you live in. Most countries have not regulated cannabis laws yet, and for that reason, there is this confusion.

If you are concerned that the use of CBD will show on a drug test, we have the answer. When using CBD products such as CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC, you do not have to worry. In conclusion, in case you decide to purchase the CBD products we recommend you do some research. You can request information from any seller, documentation about dosage, etc. If you follow these tips you will get yourself a safer and more qualitative product.

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