Orthodontics aims to correct abnormalities with teeth and jaw alignment. Sadly, numerous individuals, particularly parents, do not seek Cedar Park children’s orthodontics for many reasons. Some believe these problems will resolve themselves, whereas others feel it is best to wait till adulthood. However, untreated orthodontic issues can result in various negative outcomes, including poor oral hygiene, problems with biting and chewing, and low self-confidence. Orthodontic concerns are not limited to adults. If your kid experiences any of the following seven issues, you should arrange an orthodontic appointment immediately.
Unusual Eruptions
An unusual eruption occurs whenever a tooth begins to emerge from the gum in the incorrect location. If a tooth cannot fully erupt, a little surgical operation could be necessary to expose it to avoid future complications. Your kid’s orthodontist can partner with a gum specialist to diagnose this issue and provide the necessary care.
Crowding occurs if there is insufficient room in your child’s jaws for teeth to fit correctly. Crowding may be due to the jaws being too tiny or the teeth being too large. Based on your kid’s age, numerous viable options, including braces, aligners, and more, can lessen the need for treatment later.
When one or more of your kid’s upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth, this is referred to as a crossbite. Crossbites typically develop due to a mismatch between the lower and upper jaws. In kids, extending the upper jaw using a palatal expander may assist in resolving this issue.
Underbites occur when the lower front teeth protrude beyond the upper front teeth. A prevalent reason for an underbite includes an overgrowth of your kid’s lower jaw or an undergrowth of their upper jaw. Underbites could result in uneven wear, facial imbalance, chewing difficulties, and jaw discomfort if left untreated.
Depending on the severity of your child’s underbite issues, they may require jaw surgery. However, if the condition is identified early enough, orthodontic appliances can eliminate the requirement for surgery.
Also known as a deep bite, overbites develop if your kid’s top front teeth bite deeply into the lower teeth. The bite might be so profound that their upper teeth fully envelop the lower ones. This condition could cause increased tooth wear, discomfort, and other oral issues, as the lower teeth grind on the palate.
Protruding Front Teeth
Whenever a kid’s front teeth project, they are more vulnerable to injury. Interceptive orthodontic therapy can help reposition and protect the teeth in case of severe protrusion.
Open Bite
An open bite occurs when the teeth fail to meet completely while a kid shuts their mouth, creating a space or opening between the lower and upper arches. This condition makes it difficult for children to chew and chew food correctly and could even result in speech difficulties. Often, braces and other kids’ orthodontic appliances can shut the open bite, enabling youngsters to chew and bite their food while aiding speech and facial development.
Unlike common belief, you should not wait till your kid is a teen or becomes an adult to pursue orthodontic care. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists suggests kids attend their initial orthodontic assessments by seven years old or sooner if they experience any of these common bite issues. Early orthodontic intervention helps prevent complications and the need for extensive procedures later in life.