What Is Dieting?
Dieting is any attempt to deprive your body of the vital, well-balanced nutrients & calories it needs to operate at its peak performance under the guise of weight loss “good eating” or body sculpting.
The Greek term “diaita” which means “manner of life” is where the word first appeared.
In today’s Jargon, dieting is equated with a short remedy for escalating obesity crises. Despite having no benefits, dieting implies restrictions & limits on enjoyable foods & beverages, this mindset is still prevalent in society.
What Is Dieting Method?
The dieting method is when you decide to diet because you are unhappy with your natural body shape or size OR intentionally alter your physical body composition or weight.
Reasons Why Dieting to lose weight is a Bad Idea?
Give this a look if you believe that dieting is the greatest method to lose weight. Most of us think of “dieting” as restricting our calorie intake to lose weight” when we hear word “diet”.
However, is dieting as beneficial as it seems?
Even though many people think that dieting is a good way to lose weight, doing so, makes your body go into starvation mode which can be bad for your health.
Dieting may make you weak
A low-carb diet makes you feel exhausted, according to a study published in Journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
When you follow a low-carb or low-fat diet, your body is deprived of two vital nutrients that are necessary for both regular function & the production of energy.
Dieting may lead to the development of an eating disorder
You might think starting a weight loss plan is a good idea but the American National Eating Disorders Association reports that 35% of “typical dieters” eventually develop an eating disorder.
Over 20% of people who diet end up getting eating disorders, according to an organization. Although it may not be the only one, dieting can act as a trigger for eating disorders.
Unhealthy nutrition is one potentially negative effect
Dieting to lose weight may be detrimental to your health because you are depleting your body of nutrients like fat in addition to calories.
It’s important to remember that fat not only provides the body with fuel but also aids in cell growth.
Dieting may result in muscle loss
Extreme dieting may result in muscle loss, which lowers strength & endurance.
According to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, cutting calories can result in both weight gain & a loss of muscle mass, which defeats the objectives of the diet altogether.
Losing hair due to diet is Possible
Your dietary restrictions may be the cause of your hair loss.
According to a study published in Dermatology Practical & Conceptual, inadequate nutrition might weaken hair follicles & cause hair to fall out.
Long-term weight increase is the result
Long-term weight loss through dieting is impossible because you quickly put weight on weight once you resume eating regular meals.
Aggressive dieting slows down the rate at which your body burns fat by lowering your metabolic level.
Dieting has become National Pastime
A national activity particularly among women is “dieting”. More than $40 billion is spent annually by Americans on things linked to diets or dieting. That amount is about what the federal government of the United State spends annually on Education.
- At any given time, 40-50% of American women are thought to be striving to slim down.
- According to recent research, 91% of women on a college campus were dieters. 22% of people reported eating healthfully “often” or “often”. (Kurth & Others 1995).
- According to studies 40-60% of high school girls are on diets.
- According to different studies, 40% of children aged 9-11 regularly or occasionally follow a diet.
What you should know about dieting
Dieting rarely has positive results. Within one to five years, 95% of dieters regain they lose weight plus more.
Dieting may be harmful.
- Yo-Yo dieting (repeated cycles of gaining, decreasing & regaining weight) has detrimental effects on health, including an increased risk of heart disease & long-lasting unfavorable results on metabolism.
- Your body goes into famine mode when you diet. It reacts by reducing the speed of survival of its regular operations to save energy. Your natural metabolism thus slows down.
- Dieters frequently omit crucial nutrients. Insufficient calcium intake, for instance, put dieters at the risk for osteoporosis, stress fractures & fractured bones.
- Additionally, different research found that 42% of girls in grades 1-3 who were surveyed said: “they wished they were thinner” (Collins 1991).
Diet has become a part of daily life, especially for women but causes many harmful effects on health “mentally as well as physically”. Most women want to be slim not to be fit but both of these terms have different meanings. Fit means “to get all the essential nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of body” but to be slim is “to lose weight to maintain your body shape”. Both can be achieved but not by avoiding food it disturbs the brain as well as the body. We must keep in mind the difference between dieting and intermittent fasting.
“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like & do what you’d rather not”
Mark Twain
“To be fit Not To be Weak”