If you feel an abnormal bump in your body, trouble breathing, changes in the skin, unexplained fevers, or any other symptom that points toward cancer, you should quickly get in touch with the doctors at the most prevalent cancer hospital in Navi Mumbai.
‘Cancer’ is the word that strikes fear into everyone’s heart. But unfortunately, most people do not know much about this disease and have crippled their minds with various myths and misconceptions. The information on cancer widespread among people is full of false data and often makes it difficult for people to talk openly.
The first thing you should know is cancer is a disease that develops when the cells in your body mutate and begin to multiply uncontrollably. It is caused by the changes to the DNA within cells. In such a case, these malignant cells often spread to other parts of the body and start damaging healthy tissues.
There are seven types of cancer: breast cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, colon and rectal cancer, prostate cancer, and melanoma (skin cancer). This article is written to provide you with science-based information and facts about this disease and debunk the popular cancer-related myths. Continue reading!
Myth 1: Cancer is contagious
Fact: Of course not! Cancer is not a contagious disease. You cannot ‘catch’ cancer by having close contact like kissing, touching, sex, sharing meals, and living together with the diseased person. However, there are some cancer-causing bacteria and viruses that can be transferred.
Remember that the viruses and bacteria that cause cancers can be spread from one individual to another by various means but the cancer cells cannot be transmitted from one person to another. The cancerous cells cannot survive in a healthy person’s body.
Myth 2: Cancer is inheritable
Fact: Cancer is not an inheritable disease; however, having a family history of cancer increases your chances of developing it. In only 5-10% of cases, a person has inherited cancer from one of their parents. This inherited risk is due to the mutation in a gene which can be transferred from one generation to another.
You can undergo genetic testing and genetic counseling to determine if you have inherited cancer genes. Your doctor will recommend surgery or medications to reduce the chances of developing cancer.
Myth 3: Cancer treatment is worse than the disease itself
Fact: This is a widespread belief among people, probably due to the extreme side effects that can be seen in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
The side effects are also seen because, in most cases, cancer is diagnosed at a later stage when cancer has already spread to other parts of the body, and there is a very low survival rate. But it doesn’t mean that these treatments are useless; countless case studies and research show that these cancer treatments have helped patients and cured the disease.
Myth 4: Cell phones, microwaves, and computers cause cancer
Fact: This is another prevalent myth among people, and it is false. Cell phones, computers, and microwaves use low-frequency radio waves that can not damage your cells and genes and cause cancer. However, you should be careful while entering certain areas with high radiation, like X-ray rooms or various sites marked with ‘radioactive hazard’ signs.
Myth 5: Cancer always leads to death
Fact: Doctors at the cancer hospital in Navi Mumbai diagnose hundreds of patients every day, and they have found that the cancer treatment and its survival rate depend on several factors like the type of cancer, how early it is diagnosed, and the person’s age, fitness, and medical history. Studies say that 60% of people diagnosed with cancer get disease-free in five years when diagnosed early.