Nursing home care BD is much needed for elderly people care. Sometimes these people are absolutely helpless, and they need a double concern. Also, they need special attention. In addition to protecting their health, attendants also need to keep an eye on their mental health. They must be careful not to lose the elder people’s morale in any way.
What Problems Do Adults Have?
As they grow older, their eyesight and hearing decline, and so does muscle mass. Many suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure. Diabetes fluctuates in the elderly due to various reasons including irregular diet, lack of exercise, irregular medication. Their systolic hypertension is more common. Its effects can lead to heart disease, stroke, etc. Many stay in bed for long periods of time after a stroke. At this time home care service in Dhaka will be much more helpful for them because it is important for the elderly to be under 24-hour supervision.
Elderly dementia causes memory loss. Parkinson’s disease causes tremors in the limbs and imbalance. Decreased brain cell function gradually decreases brain function in adults. There is a change in judgment, thinking, and emotion. Weakness, dizziness, electrolyte depletion, hypoglycemia are more common in the elderly. Any infection can take a serious turn as the immune system of the elderly is weakened. So seniors need to be more aware and caring and a home care attendant does this caring job very efficiently.
An Attendant Cares About the Elderly
- Eat a healthy diet and exercise as regularly as possible and get enough sleep and rest
- Taking the medicine on time as per the advice of the doctor because the elders make a mistake in taking the medicine.
- Consult a doctor regularly for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. Discuss with family members if necessary.
- Arrange for the elderly to be as happy as possible and to spend time with family members in a beautiful environment.
- Always support them to avoid fractures, imbalances, and make sure they don’t fall while walking.
- Older people are feeling more helpless at this time. As a result, all family members should take care of the elderly. Need to talk to them. Laughter and jokes can do everything.
- Everyone has the same favorite subject. Many people love to read books. Some people may be interested in housework. For example, there may be various hobbies including taking care of the tree, making delicious food, and pickling.
- The other members of the family must understand what makes the older person in the house happy. So encourage them to do those things at this time. Then he will be able to spend at least some time happily.
- Many times they can suffer from respiratory problems. In that case, you can keep an oxygen cylinder at home. Review oxygen cylinder price in BD and consult with family members.
- They need to be taken care of with time, patience, and love. They need to take proper human care along with physical treatment.
Healthy Eating Habits of Adults
- Those who do not exercise or work less have less ability to burn calories. So it is important to maintain proper body weight by eating in moderation.
- The body’s immunity decreases with age. This can lead to various physical problems such as diabetes, cataracts, muscle wasting, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc. These can be prevented temporarily but not completely prevented.
- With age, many people have dental problems and should eat light and soft foods. People who suffer from constipation should eat fiber-rich foods like milk, cereals, muesli, yogurt, etc.
- Many people suffer from depression in old age so they reduce their eating and many eat more. Neither is good.
- People who take various medicines lose their appetite and eat less food. So those older people should keep a close eye on their diet.
Final Words
Taking care of elderly people is very important because they are your longtime relatives. However, if you or your family members are not able to provide proper care, then take the help of a home care service in Dhaka that provides trained attendants. With age, the body’s immune system begins to weaken.
Therefore, the elderly need extra care to fight the disease. The home needs to be empathetic to the elderly. At this age people start suffering from loneliness, there are no friends, there are no people to tell stories. So it is necessary to build a friendly relationship out of love for them. In this, their minds will be very much in flux.