The Importance of Disinfectant Wipes within the Gym

We all know how much we’ve been health focused – the whole world has closed to keep us safe. That primary health is vital, of course, but over lockdown, the light shed on mental health has been a huge and wonderful step in offering support and destigmatising mental health conditions. The thing is, for those of us who love fitness, it’s been a challenge, the announcement to open up gyms again was a piece of very good news! We’re all desperate to get our fitness routine back, to be in a gym environment and to feel good about ourselves again. As much as we are thrilled about it, it’s important to stay safe, so making sure to use gym disinfectant wipes such as those provided by Sanitising Wipes  is more important than ever.


Why you should use disinfectant wipes in gyms?

  • Protect yourself – we all know how bad it’s been and what’s at stake, particularly given that the whole world has literally closed down. Your safety is important and protecting yourself and keeping your experience clean and sanitary will make a big difference to the risk of getting ill, especially with Covid. You can be the fittest and healthiest people around and covid could still kill you or cause you lifelong disability – it’s not worth the risk.
  • Protect others – we have to respect the others who are there, the staff who are at risk because they’re at work to keep your space open and available, as well as your fellow gym goers, who deserve the respect and security of a good, clean workout.
  • Keep gyms safe and open – we all want the gyms to stay open! The easiest way to make this happen is to make sure everyone in the gym keeps it a safe place, and nobody gets contacted in the meantime whilst they’re out and about, so staying on top of things with good practice is just as important.


What type of wipes should gyms be using?

First of all, any effort to keep things cleaner and safer is great, so using a general-purpose wipe such as these, is still better than nothing. However, what you need to get is antibacterial or antiviral wipes. The reason this is so important is because the antibacterial properties are vital to kill off any bacteria or virus that’s on the surface you’re wiping. Due to the ingredients in the moist part of the wipe, using this kind of cleaner is the only way to know the surface is properly cleaned and safe to use for the next person. Equally, if this option isn’t available, a spray or gel with a high alcohol (over 70%) and a regularly well-cleaned cloth would also be a good way to make sure the surface is sanitised.


Why you should use disinfectant wipes in gyms?



When should I be using disinfectant wipes in gyms?

  • When you arrive – upon getting to the gym, you should use your sanitising wipes to do the door handles you’ve just touched, any countertop you interact with and make sure you sanitise your hands too.
  • Before you use each piece of equipment – we all know you should be keeping clean, but you can’t rely on others. Using sanitising wipes to clean things before use ensures you’re staying safe, plus not passing things on to anybody.
  • After you use each piece of equipment – once you’ve finished with something, give it a thorough rub down with sanitising wipes, firstly because it helps the next person if everyone exercises the same caution, and secondly, let’s be honest, nobody wants to work in the previous user’s sweat!
  • If you use a water machine, vending machine or a locker – when you interact with a surface, especially the ones that don’t seem so often, like the dispense button, then it’s important to make sure they’re safely sanitised with sanitising wipes for the next users.


Wash your hands thoroughly upon leaving the gym

This is the part of the process that works in tandem with using sanitising wipes. If you have managed to pick up any germs or bacteria during your time in the gym, then this is the point at which you do an incredibly thorough job, in order to make sure they don’t leave the gym with you. When you wash your hands, make sure it’s a minimum of twenty seconds, that you use hot water and soap, and get in between your fingers, under your nails and around your wrists too. Take care to dry them somewhere you know for sure is totally sanitary.


The importance of safety around covid can’t be understated, and everybody plays a part. Using disinfectant wipes properly in the gym – somewhere a lot of people pass through, breathe heavily and interact – is a very effective way to limit the transfer and likelihood of a case in your circle. Actually, you’re not just protecting yourself when you’re out and about, it’s your neighbour, your young and your elderly relatives, your friends with invisible illnesses and disabilities.


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ADM Sneezeguards
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing such an important topic.
Hope you check out this based on protecting people from bacteria