In today’s world, social media is on the throne. As social media can do a lot of things including motivating and changing lifestyles. Therefore it is a powerful tool that can easily promote better eating and move more.
This is needed more in youth since they are becoming affected by laziness. Health-related apps and social media should keep making school wellness activities or physical activity.
Nutrition tracking is entertaining and fun for students. We will now talk about social platforms that can promote health.
Social Media And How They Promote Health
You can share and post boards that have a focus point on physical activity, nutrition promotion, healthy fundraisers and healthy celebrations.
Pinterest can become a powerful tool that will engage classroom teachers who will later engage the students.
Your Facebook post should be about school wellness events, about recruiting health and wellness volunteers. You should also share healthy recipes and tips to eat better so that parents are aware of what they should give their children to eat.
Post about moving more, like exercising, or travelling. Encourage children, communities and families to get engaged in contests and conversations on healthy lifestyles.
Frame questions about PE, nutrition education, wellness policies. Or ask them if they are hosting a wellness event or health fair for kids, to make them understand how important it is to live life in a healthy way. Go ahead, tweet this and tag your organization.
Share posts on Instagram with pictures of wellness activities, and fairs that are hosted for the same reason. Also organize a taste tests activity with healthy classroom celebrations.
Share them often so that your followers or friends share them as well to restrict junk lifestyles.
Don’t just stop spreading awareness, because you are done posting them online. Take action for your cause, then use social media to promote them.
Actions That Should Be Taken
Start campaigning.
Do a social media campaign, after making a website through wordpress which must include health topics, post it on your social media sites, the more sites you have the merrier. Ask your friends and relatives to post your posts on their timeline.
This is what you should do for a successful campaign:
- Stick to a particular theme like vegetables and fruits, or healthy snacks and drinking water often, physical activity and enough sleep.
- Prepare your content ahead of time. Select the videos and photos you are planning to upload as well as information and resources. Ask your fellows to think about new ideas and share it with you so that the workload can spread properly and equally.
- Ask influencers you follow on your social media to promote healthy messages on their social media. Tell them to upload pictures or videos where they are seen to practise healthy behaviours, and share them on your profile.
- If you are using multiple social media sites to upload your content on healthy lifestyles, make sure you have only one person to be in charge of the content for all the sites. Or use Hootsuit
- Set an objective of the number of posts that you would like to post for the campaign. It’s up to you whether you want to post daily or weekly, but posting often keeps the rush alive.
- Don’t forget to hashtag your posts, it will help you and your posts to be found by anyone, if they type the keyword you are using in your posts.
- Take full advantage of social media as much as you can, because social media platforms will reach a large number of people in a very short time, which will not be possible by you.
Summon Ideas
Water Challenge
Keep a track of your water consumption, make sure you meet 8 glasses of water per day. Don’t be bothered about how busy you are, find time to take care of yourself.
Take photos of yourself drinking water, also pictures that show the water level in your bottle after every hour.
Walking Challenge
Record videos of yourself or ask others to record themselves while they take a walk. This is how you can create a hashtag and motivate people who are watching you. It will help them to get up on their feet and start living a healthy life.
when you will see anyone other than your friends on social media, sending you videos saying how your video has motivated them. Share their videos by mentioning them.
Snack Challenge.
Again, post pictures of yours and others eating healthy snacks. Therefore it will motivate others to do the same. Give them recipes. Show them new items. Interact with them, if they want to reach you.
This article is all about a healthy lifestyle and how social media helps us to spread awareness. Without social media, it wouldn’t be possible to spread your words to thousands of people at the same time. Healthy lifestyles add days to your life.
Yes! Healthy foods are sometimes not that tasty to eat, therefore it’s normal for people to give up on it. But there are many recipes that you can go through on youtube or Pinterest, which shows how to make tasty healthy foods or snacks.
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