
Pre And Post Workout Nutrition: All You Need To Know

Everyone knows about the importance of eating right when dieting, but what about when it comes to nutrition before working out and after working out? How do we cut our calories while at the same time making sure we have enough energy to exercise? How do we ensure that we are retaining as much muscle as possible while reducing our weight? In this blog post, we will be answering these commonly troubling questions and more.

We’ll go through:

-Nutrition pre-workout

-Nutrition post-post workout.

So let’s get started.

Preworkout nutrition

Each day before we exercise, there are primarily three things we need to keep track of: Consuming good whole carbs, drinking enough water and avoiding bad saturated fat.

You may have heard of these yet may not understand exactly why:

Consuming good whole carbs

Good, whole carbs would be food sources like brown rice, bananas, sweet potatoes and broccoli. Whole, unprocessed carbs are great because they release the energy from the carbohydrates we consume over a prolonged period which gives you energy for longer each day and helps avoid unwanted sugar spikes and dips, which lessens cravings throughout the day too. This is in contrast to bad, refined carbohydrates such as white rice, pastries and white bread, for instance, which does indeed give you a short burst of energy initially but runs out a lot sooner than the energy one would get from good carbs as well as exacerbating cravings over the course of a day from causing deeper dips in blood sugar levels.

In general, about 50 grams of carbohydrates coming from good, unprocessed sources is an excellent amount to aim for about 30-60 minutes prior to exercise.

Drinking enough water

Drinking enough water is important, both before exercise and in general everyday life, for numerous reasons.

Adequate water consumption before physical activity is essential for optimizing performance as it helps strength and coordination.

Then, water is also great because it helps your body temperature by ensuring you have an appropriate reserve necessary for sweating, so you don’t overheat during exercise.

At the same time, water allows oxygen and nutrients to be transmitted more efficiently to the engaged muscles during activity, additionally helping performance.

Before exercise sessions, a good water intake is about eight ounces, with eight ounces advised for every 15 minutes of activity during your workout.

Avoiding bad saturated fat

Saturated fat is problematic because it is a nutrient that takes longer to digest, which you may or may not be accustomed to from getting stomach cramps during exercise sessions.

Therefore, by avoiding this type of fat, we can help improve how we feel while exercising and increase the number of calories we burn from each bout.

Post workout nutrition

On the other hand, you should consume post-workout meals within about an hour following exercise. Any good post-workout meal should include anywhere from 20 grams of protein to 40 grams in order to make sure that your muscles get enough amino acids they need to help repair and rebuild any broken-down muscle fibres following the exertion. Next, you should have additional good carbs to replenish glycogen levels in your muscles, which is what provides you with quick energy. A reasonable estimate of how much carbs you should intake following a workout is around three grams for every one gram of protein you had. This means that if you had 20 grams of protein after your workout, you should have 60 grams of carbs, ideally the vast majority of which being whole, unprocessed carbohydrates.


In sum, by following the advice outlined in this article, you will be able to maximize the number of calories you burn through your workouts, help avoid cravings, and optimize the safety of your workouts in terms of both injury prevention and general health.

If you would like further help in pursuing your weight loss goals, make sure to contact us at our website for expert assistance.

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